Comparative Analysis of the Size of the Local Binary Pattern for Segmentation of Pulmonary Fissure
Lung Fissure, LBP texture, Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract
In order to obtain a more effective lung fissure segmentation, the present work has the objective of performing fissure segmentation using LBP texture measures and Artificial Neural Networks. For the implementation of the algorithm an MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) was used. To perform the algorithm validations a gold standard was created by extracting a total of 100 images from 5 exams from the LOLA11 database. For the set of images tested, the classifier performed best when the window size, 15x15 pixels, was used to generate the LBP histogram. The low incidence of false negative detections, along with the reduction of false positive detections, results in a high hit rate. It is concluded that the lung fissure segmentation technique is a useful algorithm for segmenting lung fissures in CT images, and with the potential to integrate systems to aid medical diagnosis.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Edson Cavalcanti Neto, Darlan Almeida Barroso, Tarique Cavalcante, Thomaz Maia de Almeida, Alyson Bezerra Ribeiro, Paulo Cézar Cortez, André Cristiano de Souza, Jessyca Almeida Bessa
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