The impact of online self-evaluation on self-awareness and lifestyle habits


  • Alexandre Campos Moraes Amato UNISA
  • Ana Augusta Gayoso Neves UNISA - Universidade de Santo Amaro
  • Larissa Serejo Marinho UNISA - Universidade de Santo Amaro
  • Marcos Gallan Morillo Amato Consultório Médico
  • Marisa Campos Moraes Amato Amato Consultório Médico


Cardiovascular Diseases, Diagnostic Self Evaluation, Internet



The goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of online self-evaluation on self-awareness, alert the user about his or her risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Methods: 195 users answered the same questionnaire in at least 2 different moments. Between the first and last time the user answered the questionnaire, there were significant changes in some of the risk factors. Results: Personal history of cardiovascular disease improved in 5.6%(P=0.97, K=0.29). Age has worsened in 9.2% which was statistically significant with almost perfect agreement (P=0.012, K=0.83). Hypertension improved in 13.3% and worsened in 16.4% of users (P=0.73, K=0.43). Obesity improved in 27.3% and worsened in 20.1% (P=0.34, K=0.45). Stress showed a statistically significant improvement of 34.4% among users and a worsening in 23.1% (P=0.20, K=0.23). Smoking improved in 22.8%(P=0.023). Physical activity increased in 29.7%. This result was statistically significant and had a fair association (P=0.0076, K=0.23). Eating habits improved in 35.9% and worsened in 35.4% (P=0.92; K=0.16). Conclusion: Virtual Check-up is a low cost evaluation method with a high impact that reaches a broad range of people. Therefore, even though the questionnaire showed small improvements in health indicators, it should be used widely.

Biografia do Autor

Alexandre Campos Moraes Amato, UNISA

Disciplina de Cirurgia Vascular e Endovascular

Ana Augusta Gayoso Neves, UNISA - Universidade de Santo Amaro

Aluna da Faculdade de Medicina da UNISA

Larissa Serejo Marinho, UNISA - Universidade de Santo Amaro

Aluna da Faculdade de Medicina da UNISA

Marcos Gallan Morillo, Amato Consultório Médico

Departamento de Clínica Médica e Geriatria

Marisa Campos Moraes Amato, Amato Consultório Médico

Departamento de Cardiologia




Como Citar

Amato, A. C. M., Neves, A. A. G., Marinho, L. S., Morillo, M. G., & Amato, M. C. M. (2013). The impact of online self-evaluation on self-awareness and lifestyle habits. Journal of Health Informatics, 5(3). Recuperado de



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