Wearable technology for electrocardiogram and vectocardiogram using the Dower Transformation
Palabras clave:
Wearable Device, Electrocardiogram, VectorcardiogramResumen
Objectives: Thousands of people suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Even though the electrocardiogram is an exam consolidated. The lack of methodological observation in the placement of sensors can compromise the results. This article proposes a wearable vest capable of conditioning cardiac signals from three simultaneous channels, reducing the chance of failures in the exam due to the smaller number of electrodes attached to the patient’s body. Methods: It adds the vectorcardiogram technique to the electrocardiogram wearable, which consists of three orthonormal derivations Vx, Vy, and Vz, measuring dynamic components of the heart vector. Results: The display of the cardiac biopotential in the web-mobile application represents the visualization of the twelve derivations synthesized from the Dower transform and the spatial projections of the cardiac loop under a three-dimensional view. Conclusion: Feasibility of integrating the vectorcardiogram with the electrocardiogram exam.Descargas
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