Usability evaluation of a mHealth application for overweight and obesity
mHealth, Obesity, User-Centered DesignResumo
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the usability and feasibility of the HealthFY mobile application among employees of a private company. The app focuses on the promotion of healthy habits and weight management through the use of gamification and social media features. Methods: Employees were invited to use the app during a 21-day program. A mixed-method approach was employed to evaluate usability. The messages sent to an online group chat were analyzed using thematic-category content analysis. Participants also answered a questionnaire based on the Mobile Application Rating Scale - user version (uMARS).Results: In total 26 adults completed the intervention. Results: Indicate that the use of mHealth within a corporate-delivered context is feasible. Quantitative and qualitative analysis indicated good usability. Conclusion: HealthFY appears to be a suitable and easy to use tool. Future studies should evaluate its efficacy as an intervention for overweight and obesity.
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