E-SUS Primary Care and its influence on management practice
Health Information Management, Health Management, Primary Health CareAbstract
Objective: To describe the influence of the information produced by the e-SUS Primary Care on the practice of health managers. Methods: Exploratory-descriptive study, of qualitative approach anchored in the Grounded Theory, with 16 health managers of the Sanitary Districts. Results: The phenomenon 'Understanding the quality of the information produced by e-SUS Primary Care and its influence on the work process of health managers' was identified. The managers pointed out the perspectives of the use of information in their work processes, and the different duties performed in their respective positions. Conclusion: Health managers are concerned about using quality information for decision-making and in the strategies for implementing e-SUS Primary Care, in an effort to improve the services provided to the population. It is therefore essential to sensitize nursing professionals in this regard, since they are present in the most diverse management scenarios.
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