Technological production to support the management of Basic Health Units: primary Health Care management software
Health Management, Software, Primary Health CareAbstract
Objective: To present the development and evaluate the use of a software for the management of basic health units, with emphasis on material resources, infrastructure, personnel management and strategic planning. Methods:Technological production from the development and usability stages of the PHC Management Software. The Unified Modeling Language and Rational Unified Process models were used for development, and the International Organisation for Standardisation standard for usability was used for quality and usability analysis. Results: Based on the needs identified together with the stakeholders, the software was developed in the following modules: human resources management; Basic Health Units; programmes and actions, as well as process mapping. The software's usability test achieved an average score of between 3.6 and 4.5. Conclusion: The technological production developed has the potential to optimize processes and standardize information for health management at the municipal level.
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