Intervention through virtual physical exercise for various capabilities in elderly
Aging, Virtual reality, Physical exercise, PsychologyAbstract
Objective: Compare the evolution of cognitive, physical, and psychological factors among older people, relating the practice of Conventional Physical Exercises with Virtual Reality. Methods: Individuals over 70 years of age of both sexes. Group 1 - Virtual Reality Exercise + Conventional Physical Exercise and Group 2 - Conventional Physical Exercise. The intervention by Virtual Reality Exercise has the virtual stationary gait software Street View, and the intervention by Conventional Physical Exercise has stretching, relaxation and walking activities in 4 months of intervention in 24 participants. Results: We obtained in the Virtual Reality Exercise + Conventional Physical Exercise group improvement in executive function (p=0,001), in relation to technology (0,040), in life satisfaction (p=0.001), in physical capacity (p=0.001), while the quality-of-life variable showed no effect of the intervention (p=0,171). Conclusion: Thus, we show how Virtual Reality intervention helps improve older people's physical functional and psychological performance.
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