Characterization and Classification of Imbalanced Dermoscopic Datasets
Skin Neoplasms, Medical Informatics, Artificial IntelligenceAbstract
Objective: To investigate computational intelligence techniques to characterize and classify imbalanced datasets of dermoscopic lesions. Methods: The developed method includes techniques for image pre-processing, feature extraction, oversampling, feature selection, and classifier building and evaluation. We assessed 20 method configurations in 274 public dermoscopies with 48 melanomas and 226 nevi. Results: We reached the highest average accuracy, 83.57%, after reducing the feature number by at least 48.86%. In general, the oversampling technique improved the average sensitivity. Conclusion: The best method results in the characterization and classification of an imbalanced dermoscopic dataset were promising and competitive with some recent references.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Newton Spolaôr, Huei Diana Lee, Weber Shoity Resende Takaki, Leandro Augusto Ensina, Antonio Rafael Sabino Parmezan, Matheus Maciel, Claudio Saddy Rodrigues Coy, Feng Chung Wu
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