Information security: realities in primary care in a Brazilian metropolis
Primary health care, Digital health, Information security, Health technologyAbstract
Objective: To describe elements related to information security in the context of municipal primary health care units in a Brazilian metropolis. Methods: Descriptive-exploratory study, cross-sectional, carried out between May/2019 and February/2020, in the city of Goiânia, state of Goiás. The study population consisted of professionals who work in Health Centers and Family Health Centers. Results: Among the 72 health units evaluated, in approximately 95% of these there is no control over the transit of people or identification of professionals, users, companions, visitors or service providers. About 91% of professionals revealed that they had never participated in information security training and 36.5% mentioned having shared their unique credentials to access health information systems with third parties. Conclusion: There is no established information security policy. The research contributed to the generation of knowledge that can underpin future decision-making processes by health managers.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rodrigo Cândido Borges, Silvana de Lima Vieira dos Santos, Fábio Nogueira de Lucena, Maria Márcia Bachion
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